Torridge A to Z

Abandoned vehicles

01237 428980 / 428981

Adult and Community Learning

0845 1551014

Animal Welfare & Stray Dogs

01237 428810

Benefit Fraud

01237 429292


01237 428700


01237 428734

Building Control Services

01237 428724

Bulky Waste Collections

01237 428734/428890


01237 428700

Burton Art Gallery

01237 471455

Business Rates

01237 428985 / 428986

Caddsdown Business Support Centre

01237 424244

Car Parks and Permits

01237 428981

Care Direct

0845 155 1007


01237 428729

Children and Families

0845 155 1013

Community Development

01237 428756

Compost Bins

01237 428734

Council Meetings

01237 428703/4

Council Tax

01237 428900

Development Control

01237 428733

Disabled access - Council Offices

01237 428752


01237 428854

Economic development

01237 428708


01237 428702

Emergency Planning

01237 428806/01

Environmental Health

01237 428810


0845 9881188

Fly Tipping

01237 428734

Food Safety and Hygiene

01237 428809

Fraud Hotline (24hr. confidential service)

01237 429292


01237 475834

Health and Safety at Work

01237 428809

Historic Sites and Buildings

01237 428709

Household Waste Collection

01237 428734

Housing Advice

01237 428849

Housing Benefit

01237 428700

Job Vacancies

01237 428793

Holsworthy Leisure Centre

01409 254013

Torridge Pool

01237 471794

Torrington Pool

01805 623085

Torrington Sports Hall

01805 624767


0845 155 1001


01237 428991

Noise Nuisance

01237 428810

Northam Burrows Country Park

01237 479708

Pests and Pest Control

01237 428810

Planning Applications

01237 428733

Planning policy

01237 428748


01237 428810

Recycling and Waste (DCC)

0845 1551010

Refuse Collection

01237 428734


0845 155 1002

Ring and Ride

01237 423232 or 01409 259001

Roads and Transport

0845 155 1004

Safer North Devon

01271 388760

Schools and Education

0845 1551019

Sports and Recreation

01237 428736/37

Street Cleaning

01237 428734

Suggestions and Compliments

01237 428789

Bideford TIC

01237 471455

Holsworthy TIC

01409 254185

Torrington TIC

01805 626140


01237 428702

Waste Collection

0123 7428734

Devon and Cornwall Police (Enquiries and non-emergencies)


Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service

01392 872200

Devon County Council

0845 155 1015

NHS Devon

01392 205205

Torridge District Council Email:

01237 428700