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Local Groups

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Welcome to

Broadwoodwidger WI

Our Institute was founded in 1948 so October 2018 see’s us reach our 70th Birthday and we are planning a Party to Celebrate! We meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month usually at 7.30pm in the Broadwoodwidger Community Hub. This is where our very first meetings were held (when it was previously the Church Hall). We are a small friendly group and always offer a warm welcome to visitors and prospective new members.

Broadwoodwidger WI has been established for 72 years

The gardening club now has 35 members

Welcome to

Ivyhouse Gardening Club

The Garden Club was formed in 1996 and the meetings were originally held at the local Primary School which was situated at Ivyhouse Cross, hence the name of the club.” From small beginnings the membership has gradually risen to about 35 members, most of who attend the monthly meetings.

Welcome to

Local History Group

After some preliminary meetings, visits and lectures, the Broadwoodwidger Local History Society was formally established in September 2016. It aims to encourage and develop interest in and awareness of all aspects of the history of the Parish of Broadwoodwidger and to collect and disseminate information on such history. It also organises talks, outings and visits of relevance to its aims or of interest to its members.

Develop an interest in the history that surrounds us